Saturday, October 11, 2014

Madeenah University Arabic Course

Here are the full books of the syllabus. They have been slightly altered to display as one large page for easy browsing and printing. Please see below for the original source documents used.
If you want to download all the documents as I've prepared them here including the original source documents then download this zip file.

Level 1

English titleArabic titlelink
Arabic LanguageDurus ul-Lughat il-Arabiyafull book
Learning how to write ArabicTa`leem ul-Kitaabahfull book
ReadingQiraa-afull book
ExpressionTa`beerfull book

Level 2

English titleArabic titlelink
Arabic LanguageDurus ul-Lughat il-Arabiyafull book
JurisprudenceFiqhfull book
DictationImlaa-afull book
Prophetic reportsHadeethfull book
ReadingQiraa-afull book
Stories of the ProphetsQasas u-Nabiyeen / Qasas ul-Anbiyafull book
PronounciationTadeebat u-Sowtiyafull book
ExpressionTa`beerfull book

Level 3

English titleArabic titlelink
Arabic LanguageDurus ul-Lughat il-Arabiyafull book
JurisprudenceFiqhfull book
DictationImlaa-afull book
Prophetic reportsHadeethfull book
ReadingQiraa-afull book
Description of the Companions LivesSoor min al-Hayaat u-Sahaabahfull book
Biography of the ProphetMukhtaraat min a-seerah a-Nabaweeyafull book
ExpressionTa`beerfull book
MonotheismTawheedfull book
Simplified RecitationTajweed ul-Muyassarfull book

Level 4

English titleArabic titlelink
Arabic LanguageDurus ul-Lughat il-Arabiyafull book
Lives of the Righteous CaliphsTareekh ul-Khulafa u-Rashideenfull book
ReadingQiraa-afull book
Literary Texts?Nusoos il-Adbiyafull book
ExpressionTa`beerfull book
Description of the Companions LivesSoor min al-Hayaat u-Sahaabahfull book
Explanation of the Qur'anTafseerfull book
MonotheismTawheedfull book

Friday, October 3, 2014

Being preoccupied with the Hizbees

Reference: Al fataawaa Al Jaliyyah ‘an Al Manaahij ad Da’awiyyah.’ by Shaykh Ahmad An Najmee, compiled and with footnotes by Hasan Ibn Muhammad Ibn Monsoor Ad Daghreeree, Question no. 35,P: 27-28.
Some of the small students of knowledge have become obsessed with speaking about Hizbees, such that it takes up the majority of their time, and have ceased to seek knowledge, that which will benefit them with their Lord, and likewise that which distinguishes the good from the bad. [They have become obsessed in pre-occupying themselves] in order that they may become acquainted with the mistakes of the Hizbees. As a matter of fact, they do not have any other concern except knowing about “What is your opinion about such and such a person?” And, “What is your opinion about such and such a person?” And the majority of their gatherings are like this, even to the extent that they may unjustly suspect and accuse people of things! So what is your advice to the likes of these youngsters, and with regards to encouraging them in seeking ‘Al-‘Ilm Ash-Shar’ee’, (knowledge of the religion), that which will protect them from the innovations?
The reality is that exaggeration in these affairs causes the student of knowledge to leave from the boundaries of the truth into argumentation and wasting time which results in no benefit.
Rather an individual should busy himself with the circles of knowledge. So this [exaggeration that leads to argumentation and wasting of time] is not appropriate! Rather it is binding upon the student of knowledge that he utilizes his time in the obedience of Allaah subhaanahu wa ta’aala, seeking knowledge and being present in the circles of knowledge.
And there is no problem in listening to the warnings of the scholars about the Hizbees, making clear their traits, such that one can be aware of them. But as for if we dedicate all of our time in speaking about them and not seeking knowledge that will benefit us, then this is no doubt a big and grave mistake!
الذين يهتمون بالحزبيين
المرجع: الفتاوى الجلية عن المناهج الدعوية للشيخ أحمد النجمي
بعض طلبة العلم الصغار اشغلوا أنفسهم بالكلام عن الحزبيين، و جعلوا ذلك في جل أوقاتهم،و ضيعوا طلب العلم الذي ينفعهم عند ربهم، و الذي يبين لهم الخبيث من الطيب؛ حتى يعرفوا ما عند الحزبيين من أخطاء؛ بل ما أصبح همهم إلا ما رأيك في فلان ؟ و ما رأيك قي فلان ؟ و أصبحت غالب جلساتهم في هذا الشأن؛ حتى أنهم يتهمون الناس جزافا. فما نصيحتكم لهؤلاء الشباب، وحثهم على الاهتمام بالعلم الشرعي الذي يحصنهم من البدع ؟
الحقيقة، إن المبالغة في هذه الأمور التي تخرج بطالب العلم عن نطاق الحق إلى الجدل وتضييع الوقت في الكلام الذي لا ينتج عنه فائدة؛ بل يكون الإنسان يدور في حلقة مفرغة، فهذا لا ينبغي بل يجب على طالب العلم أن يستغل وقته قي طاعة الله سبحانه و تعالى، و في البحث عن العلم و حضور الحلقات. و لا بأس أن يسمع التحذير منهم ]1[و بيان صفاتهم حتى يحذرهم. أما لو أننا جعلنا كل أوقاتنا في الكلام فيهم، و لا نشتغل بطلب العلم الذي ينفعنا، فهدا لا شك أنه خطأ كبير و خطأ عظيم

Shaykh Ahmad an-Najmee, (2005), Being preoccupied with the Hizbees, Madeenah [Online], Availabe at, Accessed on 3rd October 2014, 7:01